27 January 2013

Beginner Gift - Experience Upper Limit

Sometimes I get bored and give some money gifts to random beginners. I usually aim at the maximum experience per value available to my level, but I always forget to take note of what it is.
This post will be basically that: A place to remember how much you can give, to maximize your experience income.
I did not think the system was useful. But for what I could observe, there are some cases in where it is beneficial to the player.
For players who are level 150, for example, you can make your newly acquired mercenary go up to level 46 with just two gifts of 2.850.000 gold each to random beginners. Each gift will give individually 570.000 experience.
The experience obtained through this method is shared evenly among all the mercenaries and main character and has no cap restrictions, thus going straight to your mercenary total experience.

After that, it might be unpleasant to follow this method, as to reach level 95 with a D mercenary you would need to give 101 gifts for a total of 287.850.000 gold and a total waiting time of 8 hours and 25 minutes.
Level 100 with the same D mercenary would require 351 gifts for a total of 1.000.350.000 gold and a total waiting time of 29 hours and 15 minutes.

Observe that the total waiting time is just a reference and that you can't give more than 10 gifts per day, meaning to reach level 95 a total of 11 days and to reach 100 a total of 36 days.

To check the maximum cap for each level already tested, and the usual level checkpoints, costs and time, see the spreadsheet Beginner Gift Experience Upper Limit.

Enjoy your time here :D

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