19 January 2013

Experience Upper Limit - Update 1

Dear Readers,

Today I started an update of the old post Experience Upper Limit - Maximum Experience Attainable at Each Level.

Basically, the old post is mostly wrong because it uses the max experience attainable at TBS as reference, and as already discussed over a couple of forums, the experience earned has different limits for TBS and QUEST.

This need to be addressed, and will be over time. You can check the original post for a complete picture of how is the progress.

If you have knowledge of any limits feel free to post them in the comments.

Enjoy your time here :D

03 June 2012

Labyrinthos - Update 1

Dear reader,

The Labyrinthos post was updated with the correction of some info, added a video of the box contents and added an attack scheme section.

You can check the updates in the original post.

Enjoy your time here :D

Mine Expedition - Experience Received While Mining

Have you ever asked yourself: How much experience my mercenaries will receive while they dig?
I asked it myself several times, and today decided to solve the mathematics behind it.

25 May 2012

Boss Killing Formation - Yggdrasil's Three Gateways

One of the most interesting factors about the new dungeon is that monsters seems to have shadows that spawn after dungeon start and only stop to spawn after gates are killed. In matters of finishing the dungeon that means that gates must go down as fast as possible, else you will need lots of cleaning teams for the huge amount of extra monsters. In this post I will discuss the self-made one-man formation for killing the vicious gates that guard the 3 floors of that dungeon.